
Sempra基金会’s climate action grants aim for a cleaner future

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该基金会, 完全由森普拉资助, awarded grants to four nonprofit organizations with the goal of reducing emissions and restoring habitats, 同时支持有需要的社区

两个人正在安装太阳能电池板 17年来, Sempra基金会 has worked to enrich the lives of communities around the world by making key 贡献 to organizations working toward a cleaner future. 在最近一轮的气候行动拨款中, the Sempra基金会 awarded four nonprofit organizations supporting communities in California, 德克萨斯州和墨西哥.

“We are honored to support charities focused on building brighter futures through clean energy projects that improve affordability in vulnerable communities and nature-based projects that preserve important ecological environments,” 丽莎·拉罗克·亚历山大森普拉基金会主席说. “By working together, we can create transformative change.”

Here is a glance at the nonprofit organizations that recently received grants from the Sempra基金会, 完全由森普拉资助的.


太阳能电灯基金 (SELF) is determined to tackle energy poverty, one project at a time. 今年, the nonprofit will use a grant from the Sempra基金会 to install solar photovoltaic (PV) systems at three Boys & 德克萨斯州南部麦卡伦地区的女孩俱乐部. 的 electricity generated by these solar systems will enable the centers to lower their utility bills. Savings generated from the systems mean more funding to serve the children.

“孩子们为男孩们服务 & Girls Clubs will not only benefit indirectly through savings in utility bills that result from the Sempra基金会 grant, but they will also have an opportunity to learn firsthand about 可再生能源 solutions, and gain knowledge and experience that could pave the way for a future career in this growing sector,鲍勃·弗雷林, SELF执行董事, 说. “的 best part about seeing a project come to life is observing the very tangible benefits that solar energy can provide. 无论是通过基本的照明, 或者为学校和诊所供电, or providing the means to pump water for drinking and irrigation, harnessing the power of the sun transforms lives in a very profound and positive way.”


肩负着赋予弱势群体权力的使命, Fundacion Mozcalti is utilizing a grant from the Sempra基金会 to bring solar panel water pumps to Puebla, Michoacán和墨西哥附近的其他村庄. 太阳能电池板将用于各个领域, including a community well to reduce the costs of distributing potable water, installed in a cooperative fish farm and at the El Tecuz ecotechnology school.

“这些项目, funded by the Sempra基金会 in collaboration with the Fundacion Mozcalti, have significantly contributed to the well-being of the beneficiary communities,Paula Fuentes报道, Fundacion Mozcalti的总裁, 说. “的 implementation of 可再生能源 and sustainable practices has brought about a positive change in the lifestyle of families, 赋予弱势群体权力, 并提供新的发展机遇.”


网格的替代品 是在执行清廉的任务吗, 负担得起的, 可再生能源, 为有需要的社区提供交通和就业机会. 的 nonprofit understands that 可再生能源 can drive economic growth, benefiting communities impacted by underemployment and pollution. 在森普拉基金会的资助下, 网格的替代品 National Tribal Program will bring photovoltaic solar panels to the La Jolla Band’s Tribal Elders Hall. 该项目预计将产生3美元,500 of electricity per year and help the tribe save an estimated $250,在20年的时间里,一般的能源成本降低了1万美元.

"As we embark on this journey with the Sempra基金会, we recognize the significance of empowering tribes to further their goals of energy sovereignty,“坦克斯·克莱尔蒙特, co-executive director for 网格的替代品 National Tribal Program, 说. “通过伙伴关系和社区驱动的举措, we are advancing 可再生能源 access and fostering resilience in Indigenous communities.”


索诺兰沙漠研究所 believes in the power of collaboration to restore the Colorado River Delta and the communities that rely on it. 在森普拉基金会的资助下, the nonprofit will help restore the Laguna Grande area by irrigating 390 acres and removing invasive species across 420 acres. 除了, 这些资金将用于支持墨西卡利河流项目, a project to implement community and nature-based solutions along a three-mile stretch of a polluted agriculture drain that flows through suburban and urban areas in Mexicali.

“This collaborative effort aims at promoting the establishment of state park of nearly 70,000 acres which would include all the restorations sites along the Colorado River, that would eventually benefit not just the rural communities neighboring the state park, but all of Mexicali as it would be the largest state park ever declared,——弗朗西斯科·萨莫拉, 索诺兰研究所项目高级主管, 说.

For more information about the Sempra基金会, visit semprafoundation.org.

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